Do Apples Need Refrigeration? Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know

Apples are a very nutritious snack and may be used in a variety of dishes for taste and texture enhancement. Some of us simply enjoy how apples appear when arranged in a bowl. But no matter what you do with apples, you need them to remain as fresh as possible for as long as possible.

Ignore the fruit bowl on your countertop and put your apples in the refrigerator. So you can continue to enjoy the antioxidants, fiber, and potassium that apples contain.

Today, we’ll talk about why storing apples in the fridge is the best method to keep them crisp and how long you can expect them to remain fresh compared to storing them somewhere warmer.

Should I Keep Apples In The Fridge?

The ideal storage location for apples is the refrigerator. Have you ever observed how apples are occasionally kept in freezers at stores? There is an explanation for this. They remain fresher for a lot longer because of it.

Apples Prefer Cool Temperatures

According to research, apples kept in the refrigerator tend to remain fresher for up to ten times longer than those left at room temperature.

While apples stored in the refrigerator can survive up to a couple of months, apples left at room temperature frequently begin to go bad within one week.

Apples thrive in the freezing temperature range of 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. No more than 90% to 95% moisture should be provided. The apples should be put in the refrigerator as soon as you get home from the supermarket. Refrigerated storage isn’t usually required if the apples are eaten within the first week.

How To Keep Apples Fresh Inside Your Fridge

You should know to yourself the best method for storing apples now that you are aware that keeping them in the fridge is the most significant approach to maintaining their freshness.

To ensure that your apples last as long as possible, a few helpful suggestions and methods.

Apples Continue To Ripen After Being Picked

This ripening accelerates at room temperature, and the apples soon start to go look bad. Look for apples that are not entirely ripe if you want them to keep longer. The hardness of the apple will reveal this. The apple is most likely not ripe yet if there aren’t any soft areas or waxiness.

Be Gentle When Handling Apples

Apple bruises lead to the production of ethylene. Because ethylene gas spreads more quickly when one apple is crushed and starts to spoil, the remaining part of the apples may also begin to rot.

Apples Should Not Be Stored Together With Other Fruits And Vegetables

As fruits and vegetables ripen and age, they produce ethylene gas. Other crops may also ripen or rot as a result of this gas. Apples are notably large generators of ethylene gas when they develop.

When this happens, it leads other vegetables and fruits to ripen sooner than they should. This can cause all of your fruits and vegetables to decay very quickly, especially ethylene-sensitive foods like broccoli and cauliflower.

Keep The Humidity Just Right

You might be surprised to learn that the majority of supermarkets often mist apples. This will increase humidity, preserving their freshness for longer. There are additional ways to increase moisture to the stored apples if you don’t have misting equipment laying around your house.

As an example, grab a moist towel and use it to cover the apples. Even while apples shouldn’t be too hydrated, this will allow them to access some moisture without getting soggy.

Another illustration is placing the apple in a plastic produce bag. The humidity will then be contained as a result. However, because apples produce ethylene gas, it’s important to make a few openings in the bag to prevent the gas from being trapped. The apples will rot faster if the gas is stored inside.

How to Keep Apples That You’ve Sliced

Once an apple is chopped, oxygen enters the apple’s inside core, which is why apples start to become brown. As a result, an enzyme is released, oxidizing the apple and making it brown.

Brush lemon juice on the slices to stop this. Due to the slow oxidation process, discoloration takes a very long time.

Wrap the slices firmly in aluminum foil after brushing them with lemon juice. After that, store the slices in the refrigerator by placing them in a sealed container or sealed plastic freezer bag.

It may also be of interest to you to read about these topics, Are Grapes Supposed To Be Refrigerated? and can you store cucumbers in the refrigerator?


Simply put your apples in the refrigerator rather than leaving them out at room temperature to keep them crisper and fresher for longer. In this cooler environment, your apples may last for several weeks or even months.

Nevertheless, you should always choose fresh apples that are undamaged and have not yet reached full ripeness.and then place your apples in your refrigerator’s bottom drawer and provide moisture with a plastic bag or moist cloth. Apples will constantly be fresh for you!


Categories: Can Be, How Long Can