Do Bell Peppers Need To Be Refrigerated


If you’ve just bought some bell peppers, you are probably weighing up the best storage solutions. If fridge space is a little tight, you might be wondering Do Bell Peppers Need To Be Refrigerated, or if you can store them on the counter.

If you are going to use the bell peppers up reasonably quickly, it’s okay to keep them on the counter and store them at room temperature. However, if you store the bell peppers in the fridge, they will last for far longer. You can more than double the amount of time they will last for if you keep them cool.

We’re going to find out more about how to store bell peppers in this article, so you know where to put these vegetables.

Do You Have To Keep Bell Peppers In The Fridge?

On the whole, it’s best to put bell peppers in the fridge, although it is worth noting that refrigeration somewhat reduces the flavor. If you are going to use a bell pepper up within a day or two, you can safely put it somewhere cool and dry, but not in the fridge.

A dark cupboard or a shelf in the pantry will help to keep the pepper fresh for longer, but bear in mind that it will still only last for a day or two. After this point, it will start to become soft and wrinkly, and will lose its flavor and goodness.

If you aren’t going to use the bell peppers quickly, you should put them straight in the fridge, rather than leaving them on the counter. This will help them to stay fresh for as long as possible. A bell pepper can last for as long as 2 weeks in the fridge if it is fresh when it’s stored.

Do You Have To Put Cut Bell Peppers In The Fridge?

Once a bell pepper has been cut open, it does need to be put in the fridge, yes. The cut edge will quickly dry out, and will invite mold and bacterial growth. You need to put a cut pepper in the fridge as soon as it has been cut if you want to keep it fresh.

A sliced bell pepper can be wrapped in plastic wrap or placed in a Tupperware and then put in the fridge. You want to minimize how much air touches the cut edges to keep the vegetable fresh for as long as possible.

It’s a good idea to leave as much of the bell pepper intact as you can when you cut it. If you’re going to use half of the bell pepper, for example, you can leave the stem and seeds on the other half and it will keep better. Only slice up the pepper that you are going to use.

How Should You Store Bell Peppers In The Fridge?

It’s best to put bell peppers in the crisper drawer of the fridge. You want to minimize the humidity so that the peppers stay fresh for as long as possible.

You shouldn’t wash the peppers before refrigerating them. Instead, chill them as they are when you buy them, and then wash them before cutting them.

If you have cut the bell pepper before storing it, wrap the cut edge or put the whole thing in an airtight container. If you’ve cooked the bell pepper, you should also put it in an airtight container, and aim to use it up within about 3 days.

Can You Freeze Bell Peppers?

If you’ve got leftover bell pepper that you aren’t going to use or if you have sliced up more than you needed, you can freeze it. However, be aware that it tends to become mushy when it’s frozen, so it’s best used in cooked recipes after this, rather than being eaten raw.

If you’re going to freeze bell peppers, it’s usually best to wash and chop them first.

In addition to this article, you can find many more articles on our website like Do Beef Sticks Need To Be Refrigerated?Do Beets Need To Be Refrigerated? and Does Beef Jerky Need To Be Refrigerated?


Bell peppers need to be refrigerated if you’re going to keep them for more than 2 days. They can be kept in a cool, dark space if you plan to use them quickly, but otherwise, place them in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator and keep them cold.

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