Do Sweet Potatoes Need To Be Refrigerated?

Sweet potatoes are one of the most popular root vegetables found around the world, from New Zealand to Peru and across the United States and Eurasia. They are a budget-friendly staple in many homes and can be stored easily. One common question surrounding sweet potatoes is, do Sweet Potatoes need to be Refrigerated?

No, They Do not need to be stored in the fridge. Generally, it’s best to store your sweet potatoes in a cool and dry area that receives adequate ventilation. Typically, it’s advised that you don’t store them in the fridge as if left in there for an extended period, their cores begin to turn hard, and may taste unpleasant. 

This article will discuss whether or not you need to store sweet potatoes in the fridge. So keep reading! We have all the answers concerning the best storage methods for your sweet potatoes.

The Best Root Vegetable

Sweet potatoes are known as one of the most nutrient-dense root vegetables and have become increasingly popular in the last decade in the western world because of this. Many people have begun to swap out the old white potatoes for their purple and orange cousins.

The sweet potato is grown around the world, mainly in areas with a warmer climate, such as the Southern portion of the United States, tropical South America, Japan, parts of Russia, and the warmer islands of the pacific.

Various people would agree that the common sweet potato is one of the best root vegetables thanks to its high amount of various health-promoting vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B6, C, and E, beta carotene, Iron, and potassium.

If you enjoy stocking up the house with fresh vegetables and foodstuff, you may buy your sweet potatoes in bulk. One common question surrounding a large number of sweet potatoes is, do you have to store them in the fridge to ensure longevity?

Do I have To Store Sweet Potatoes in the Refrigerator?

The sweet potato is a fairly hardy root vegetable and can be stored fairly easily. The best option when choosing a suitable place to store your sweet potatoes is somewhere in your kitchen that is both cool and dry.

Alongside this, you’ll want to ensure your storage area has some level of ventilation, as this will help extend your sweet potatoes’ overall longevity. When stored correctly, sweet potatoes will last for almost six weeks.

Whereas, if you’ve heard that it’s best to store them in the fridge, this is probably not the best choice unless you’re planning to eat them within a few days. If you store your sweet potatoes in the fridge, you may end up with an unpleasant-tasting potato with a hard core.

So, no, you certainly don’t need to refrigerate your sweet potatoes. As a matter of fact, they will stay fresher for longer if stored in the correct environment outside your fridge; somewhere that is cool and dry, with an adequate level of ventilation.

They may technically last longer if stored in the refrigerator, but you’ll certainly be left with a group of potatoes that won’t taste that great, nor will they cook as well if left in the fridge for more than a few weeks.

Storing Cooked Sweet Potatoes

Once you have removed your sweet potatoes from their cool and dry storage area and cooked them into wedges, mash, or cubes, it’s time to store them in the refrigerator, assuming you have a little left over.

Once you have your cooked sweet potatoes, you should place them into a zip-lock bag or airtight container and be placed them in your fridge. This method keeps them fresh and edible for approximately five days.

It’s strongly advised not to store your cooked potatoes on a counter-top or at room temperature, as this will promote the growth of harmful bacteria and may even lead to food poisoning in the worst cases. So always refrigerate your cooked sweet potatoes.

Reheating Your Cooked Sweet Potatoes

When stored correctly in the fridge, your cooked sweet potatoes will retain a great deal of flavor and can be an easy addition to any meal or a simple snack throughout the day. When the time comes to reheat your sweet potatoes, you can easily place them into the microwave.

Begin by placing the cooked sweet potatoes into a microwavable container and cooking them for 30 seconds at a time, checking them between intervals. You can also place them into the oven if you prefer this reheating method, and you’ll know they’re ready when hot in the center.

Heating up your cooked sweet potatoes in the oven or on the stove top can help retain both the taste and the texture, as reheating them in the microwave may lead to a rubbery texture that can be unpleasant.

Freezing Sweet Potatoes

While placing your sweet potatoes in a cool and dry spot is the best option for storage, you may be wondering if you can freeze them. If you want to free your sweet potatoes, you must blanch them first.

Balancing is simply the process of boiling your sweet potatoes once cut into their desired shape for around three to five minutes. This will help the potatoes retain both their texture and flavor when frozen.

Blanching and storing your sweet potatoes in the freezer can be an excellent choice for home gardeners who end up with a large number of potatoes or someone who simply prefers to store food in the freezer.

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So, now you know that sweet potatoes don’t need to be stored in the refrigerator, and in fact, they actually stay fresher for longer if stored in cool and dry conditions, such as a pantry that receives an adequate level of ventilation.

Categories: Can Be, Refrigerator