How Long Can Chicken Broth Be Refrigerated

Chicken broth is one of your kitchen’s most versatile and healthy foods. It’s perfect for a making a tasty soup or to thin out a sauce and packed with nutrients. But how long does chicken broth last in the refrigerator?

Chicken broth can last for up to four days in the refrigerator. When storing chicken broth, keep it in a covered container. This will help keep the broth fresh and prevent it from drying. Some brands indicate longer refrigeration times on their labels, so be sure to check the label before using it.

In this blog post, I will discuss the shelf life of chicken broth and how you can make it last as long as possible.

So How Long Can Chicken Broth Be Refrigerated?

The length of time that chicken broth can be refrigerated depends on a few factors, such as:

How the Chicken Broth Is Stored

There are a few different ways that you can store chicken broth. The most common way is to keep it in a covered container in the refrigerator. The airtight container is key to keeping the broth fresh and preventing it from drying out.

If using a glass container, be sure to wrap the lid tightly with plastic or aluminum foil. This will help to keep the broth fresh and prevent any contamination. You can also freeze it in an airtight container. It can last for up to three months in the freezer.

The Type of Chicken Broth

There are two main types of chicken broth: homemade and store-bought . The homemade will last up to four days in the refrigerator. Store-bought chicken broth can last for up to seven days in the refrigerator.

Tips for Storing Chicken Broth So It Lasts Longer

The following tips will help to keep your chicken broth fresh and prevent it from going bad:

Store in an Airtight Container

You need to store chicken broth in an airtight container in order to keep it fresh. Airtight containers are key to preventing it from drying out or getting contaminated.

Refrigerated Chicken broth

Glass containers are a great option for storing broth. Be sure to wrap the lid tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This will help to keep it fresh and prevent any contamination.

You can also freeze it in an airtight container. Chicken broth can last for up to three months in the freezer.

Store in the Refrigerator

Chicken broth should be stored in the refrigerator. The fridge is the best place to keep it, so it stays fresh and doesn’t go bad.

Store in the Freezer

If you want to store it in the freezer, you can do so as well. Freezing it can extend its shelf life by up to three months.

If you are interested in learning more about How Long Can Chicken Be Refrigerated After Thawing please check this post.

How to Tell if Chicken Broth Has Gone Bad

Chicken broth can go bad if it is not stored properly. There are a few signs that it has gone bad, such as:

Sour Smell

Normally, chicken broth has a savory, chicken smell. If the it starts to smell sour, it is a sign that it has gone bad.

Change in Color

Chicken broth is usually a golden color. If it starts to turn green or brown, it is a sign that it has gone bad.


If you see mold growing on the surface of the broth, it is a sign that it has gone bad. Using it can be harmful to your health, so do not use it.

Slimy Texture

The broth may also develop a slimy texture. This is a sign that it has gone bad and should not be consumed.

Check Best by Date

Chicken broth should have a best-by date on the packaging. Once this date has passed, the chicken broth is no longer fresh and should be discarded.

If you are not sure if it is still good, it is best to throw it out. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to food safety.

How Long Does Chicken Broth Last in the Freezer?

Frozen chicken broth lasts for three months. You need to do the following to ensure your broth lasts this long:

Pour It into Ice Cubes Tray

You should pour the chicken broth into an ice cubes tray. This will help to portion out the broth and make it last longer.

Label It with a Date

Before you put the chicken broth in the freezer, be sure to label it with a date. This will help you keep track of how long the chicken broth has been in the freezer.

Use an Airtight Container

As mentioned before, you need to store chicken broth in an airtight container. This will help to prevent the broth from drying out or getting contaminated. You can also use glass jars or plastic bags to store the chicken broth. If you are using plastic bag, be sure to squeeze all the air out of the bag before sealing it. This will help to prevent freezer burn.


How long does chicken broth last in the fridge?

The homemade chicken broth will last for up to four days in the refrigerator. Store-bought chicken broth can last for up to seven days in the refrigerator.

Does chicken broth actually expire?

Chicken broth does expire. The best-by date on the packaging is the best indicator of how long the chicken broth will last. It can stay for three more months beyond that date as long as it’s unopened. If it’s opened, you should keep it in the fridge for three days.

Can you boil bad chicken broth?

You should not boil bad chicken broth. Consuming bad chicken broth will have negative consequences on your health.

Final Thoughts

Chicken broth can stay for up to four days in the refrigerator. Store-bought chicken broth can last for up to seven days in the refrigerator. Chicken broth does expire, and the best-by date on the packaging indicates how long it will last. I hope this article was helpful in answering the question, “How long does chicken broth last?”

Categories: How Long Can, How To