Should you store raw fish in a refrigerator?

Fish is a healthy and tasty food choice, but it must be handled and stored properly to avoid the risk of food-borne illnesses. You may be wondering  should you store raw fish in a refrigerator or not?

You should store raw fish in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness and prevent bacteria growth. Raw fish should be kept between 0°C – 4.44°C (32°F – 40°F). You can place the raw fish in a shallow container, covered with ice or wrap it in an air-tight plastic bag before storing it in the refrigerator.

In this blog post, I will discuss how and why it is important to store fish in the refrigerator.

Should You Store Raw Fish in a Refrigerator?

Raw fish is perishable, so it is important to keep it in a cool place. The ideal temperature for storing raw fish is between 0°C – 4.44°C (32°F – 40°F). Storing the fish when raw at this temperature will help prevent bacteria growth and preserve its freshness.

The Benefits of Storing Raw Fish in a Refrigerator

Storing fish that is raw in a refrigerator comes with a lot of benefits. Read on as I discuss each benefit in detail:

It Prevents the Growth of Bacteria

Fish is susceptible to bacterial growth at room temperature, so it must be kept cool. Storing the raw fish in a refrigerator will help slow down the growth of bacteria and prevent food poisoning.

It Keeps Fish Fresh for Longer

Storing fish that is raw in a refrigerator can help preserve its freshness. This is especially important if you are planning to cook and eat the fish in 2-3 days. If stored properly, you can store raw fish for up to 2-3 days in the fridge.

It Helps Maintain Quality

It also helps maintain its quality and flavor. The cold temperature of the fridge helps keep the fish’s moisture intact, giving it a fresh taste when cooked.

Where in the Fridge Should You Store Raw Fish

Here are a few places to consider when storing fish in the refrigerator:

Where to store raw fish

The Back of the Fridge

In a family, the fridge is a frequently visited area. Therefore the temperature at the front of the fridge will vary as the door keeps opening and closing throughout the day, making it less ideal for storing this raw fish.

The back of the fridge is usually the coldest spot. It also tends to be less crowded than other parts of the fridge and therefore can provide an ideal environment for storing this kind of fish.

The Bottom Shelf

The bottom shelf of your refrigerator provides an optimal place to store raw fish as it keeps it away from other food items. You want to avoid cross-contamination of your fish with other food items, so the bottom shelf is ideal.

It is also important to use a shallow container that will fit on the bottom shelf when storing your fish. This helps keep it away from any food particles or spills that may be in the refrigerator.

Tips for Keeping Storing Raw Fish in the Refrigerator

In addition to storing your raw fish in the correct area of the fridge, it is important to use a few other tips to ensure its freshness and safety. Here are a few tips that you should consider when storing fish in the refrigerator:

Wash Your Hands

When handling fish, it is important to wash your hands with soap and water before and after. This will help minimize the risk of cross-contamination between different food items.

Keep the Fish Flesh or Dry

Moisture is a bacteria’s best friend, so it is important to keep the fish flesh dry when storing it in the refrigerator. If you plan on freezing the fish instead of refrigerating it you should freeze it with ice crystals.

Wrapping Up

Wrap the fish tightly in an air-tight plastic bag or container before placing it in the refrigerator. The container needs to be shallow and sealed to prevent any cross-contamination with other food items in the fridge.

Use Ice or Cold Water

If you are unable to use a plastic bag or container, place the fish on top of ice or cold water to keep it cool before placing it in the refrigerator. This will help maintain its temperature until you’re ready to cook it.

Check for Temperature

It is important to check the temperature of your refrigerator regularly to ensure that it is cold enough for storing raw fish. The ideal temperature range should be between 0°C – 4.44°C (32°F – 40°F).


How long can raw fish be stored in the refrigerator?

Raw fish can typically be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. After that, it should be cooked or frozen.

Can I store raw fish in the freezer?

You can store raw fish in the freezer if it is sealed in an air-tight container or plastic bag. The ideal temperature range for storing frozen food is -18°C (0°F). It should be used within three to eight months after it has been frozen.

Should I wash the raw fish before storing it in the refrigerator?

It is not necessary to wash the raw fish before storing it in the refrigerator. Washing your hands with soap and water before and after handling raw fish will help minimize the risk of cross-contamination between different food items.

How long can raw fish stay fresh at room temperature?

Seafood can spoil at room temperature within an hour or two, so it is best to store the raw fish in the refrigerator as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

Raw fish can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days if it is kept in an air-tight plastic bag or container, placed on ice or cold water, and stored at a temperature between 0°C – 4.44°C (32°F – 40°F). This will help maintain its freshness and ensure that it is safe to eat.

In this article we discussed about Should you store raw fish in a refrigerator? Here are some other articles you might find interesting about How Long Can Chicken Broth Be Refrigerated and How Long Can Chicken Be Refrigerated After Thawing

I hope this article has provided you with the information you need to store raw fish in the refrigerator safely and effectively.


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